
Proteo (Theault)

Booking on request (validation within 12 hours by the owner) Booking on request (validation within 12 hours by the owner)


Horsebox 2017 0 km 5 Number of seats Driving licence requested B 170 HP


Manual gearbox
5 passengers
Snow tyres

Specific conditions

  • A rental day is up to 24h.
  • You can adjust the mileage and rental options on the next step of your booking.
  • Professional agent


Mer än 1 vecka innan utlämnande - 8% av hyreskostnaden. 24 tim till 1 vecka innan utlämnande - 8% av hyreskostnaden dock minst 500kr (inkl moms). Inom 24 tim innan utlämnande - 50% av hyreskostnaden

Agent details

Renteo agent
615 94 Valdemarsvik Sverige


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3 500.00SEK SEK
Selected dates are non-valid
    ERROR, The requested booking includes a period not available

    ERROR, The selected departure date is a closed day and cannot be advanced as this period is booked.

    ERROR, The selected return date is a closed day and cannot be reversed as this period is booked.

    As the selected departure day is a closed day, we have brought the date forward to the nearest open day
    As the selected return day is a closed day, we have moved the date back to the nearest open day.
    Day available but closed for departures/returns
    Vehicle partially available
    See opening time of the agent

    Reminder : you have 500 km included in your booking.

    NOTE: extra km cost 0.05 € MORE per km when paid upon return of the vehicle.

    5.00SEK the extra km extra
    3 500.00SEK SEK
    Explore Account 0 Basket Language